Det internasjonale mennesket
IB-elever i hele verden får et felles grunnlag for menneskelig toleranse og internasjonal forståelse
Sandefjord videregående skole er en av 4.600 skoler fra hele verden som er tilsluttet “International Baccalaureate Organization"
- Det er 25 skoler i Norge som tilbyr IB som Diploma Program (IBDP)
- Sandefjord videregående skole har vært med siden 1992
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB)
- Diploma-programmet er to-årig (Vg2 og Vg3) og har et internasjonalt fokus og engelsk som undervisningsspråk
- Du kan søke deg inn på IB Diploma Programme etter gjennomført Vg1 studiespesialiserende, Pre-DP eller tilsvarende fra utlandet. Går du Vg1 studieforberedende kan du også søke men må ta fag du mangler som privatist.
Pre-Diploma Programme (Pre-DP)
- Ved å velge Pre-DP blir du en del av IB-avdelingen allerede fra Vg1
- Deler av undervisningen vil være på engelsk
- Du blir kjent med arbeidsmetoder vi bruker på IB
- Du blir kjent med IB-lærere og andre motiverte elever som er interessert i å gå videre på IB
Hovedmål for International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB)
- Å kunne bruke engelsk som arbeidsspråk i alle fag
- Å forberede dere til høyere utdanning, enten i Norge eller i utlandet
- Å utvikle evnen til å tenke kritisk og selvstendig
- Å benytte arbeidsoppgaver og arbeidsmåter som dere vil møte ved høyskoler og universiteter
- Å utvikle en internasjonal bevissthet og også en forståelse for egen identitet og kultur, sett i et globalt perspektiv
- Å kunne forstå og kommunisere med mennesker fra andre land og kulturer
- Å bli samfunnsbevisst og forstå viktigheten av ansvaret vi alle har for å være positive bidragsytere i samfunnet, både lokalt og globalt (CAS - Creativity, activity and service).
Why choose the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB)?
- The IB programme spans over two years so that you can understand your chosen subjects well.
- On completing the Diploma, you are qualified for colleges and universities in Norway and in almost all other countries in the world. (Generell studiekompetanse eller spesiell studiekompetanse.)
- English is the language of instruction. All textbooks are written in English and all assignments and exams are in English, other than your Norwegian or foreign language books or exams.
- This use of the English Language gives you an advantage regarding further study and later work, since most studies at universities and future positions at work, demand a high competence of language proficiency. This is not only regarding the use of English, but also terminology and expressions linked to specific subjects.
- All subjects contain component elements of independent project work which contribute to their final assessment. These are called Internal Assessments (IA’s) and must be completed during the two years of study.
Investigation is at the core of the IA’s which allows for the gradual development of a research-based approach to learning.
- There are exams in all subjects during May in the second year of study.
- The IBDP programme prepares you for higher education by having focus on:
- work and progression reflection,
- assignments that demand individual focus,
- training in research work for an extended piece of independent writing known as the Extended Essay.
- understanding the importance of a sharing student community and time management.
Søke Pre-Diploma Programme (Pre-DP) ved SVGS
Pre-DP er et tilbud som tilsvarer Vg1 SF i fagvalg og innhold. Hovedforskjellen er at du har noe mer engelsk i undervisningen, blir vant til arbeidsmetoder som vi bruker på IB og du blir kjent med IB-lærere og andre motiverte elever som ønsker et internasjonalt alternativ til studieforberedende.
Du søker Pre-DP ved å gå inn på Vigo og spesifisere at du ønsker Pre-DP som Vg1 studieforberedende alternativ på SVGS.
Søke International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) ved SVGS
Elever som går Vg1 studiespesialiserende eller Pre-DP kan søke IB Diploma programme for Vg2 og Vg3.
Går du Vg1 studieforberedende (MDD, KDA og Idrettsfag) kan du også søke, men må ta fag du mangler som privatist.
Søknadsprossessens to trinn:
- Søk IB via
- Velg fag og fyll ut eget skjema for fagvalget
Valg av fag
Du velger fag fra hver av de seks faggruppene, tre på higher level (femtimers fag) og tre på standard level (tretimers fag).
Subject groups |
Subjects |
Levels |
1 - Language A (First language) |
Norwegian | |
English |
Standard Level and Higher Level |
2 - Language B
Norwegian, French, German, Spanish | |
French, German, Spanish | ||
3 - Individuals and societies |
Economics |
Standard Level |
History | Standard Level Standard Level (norsk) Higher Level Higher Level (norsk) |
3 / 4 - Interdisciplinary course
Environmental systems and societies | |
4 - Experimental sciences |
Biology | |
Chemistry | ||
Physics | ||
5 - Mathematics | Applications and Interpretations | |
Analysis and Approaches | ||
6 - Electives | An additional subject from groups 1, 2, 3, 4. |
Ikke elev ved Sandefjord vgs og ønsker å søke IB?
How to apply to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) at SVGS
- There are no fees for the IB Diploma programme at SVGS.
- Applications for the IB-programme must be submitted to Inntakskontoret for Vestfold Fylkeskommune by March 1st via
ALL students have to formally apply through every year since the general national rules apply also for IB-Students. - In addition, the internal school application if you are applying from abroad can be found here
- Students not applying through the county “Vigo” application system or from abroad must submit the following application with the paperwork that supports the application.
- Information about the IB diploma programme can be found following this link
- When applying to start the Diploma programme itself in the second year of secondary education, a “Subject choice form” must be completed and handed in to the IB coordinator at SVGS by March 1st.
This can be submitted both digitally or in paper format. - Grades must be delivered electronically if the student is not attending SVGS.
- All student rights, such as loans and scholarships, apply for the IBDP-students
- Transfer students (EF academy) must have subjects offered at SVGS so that there are teachers able to follow the students further.
- Net-based courses (Pamoja) are not currently offered at our school.
Summary of school admission policy
You can apply for the IB diploma programme at Sandefjord Videregående Skole if:
- You are a Norwegian citizen or have a permanent residence permit and have a registered address in Vestfold before March 1st the year you apply.
Admission is also dependent on:
Requirement 1:
- Students must have passed the first year of:
- the Norwegian upper secondary school, general studies course (Studieforberedende)
- Music, Dance and Drama or
- Sport or
- Art with general studies.
- IB middle years programme (MYP5).
- or The equivalent to any of the above from an international school.
- Students who have had “programfag” during their first year must complete and pass Geografi and samfunnsfag. To do this they need to take “privatisteksamen” in these subjects before the end of their first year in the DP programme.
Requirement 2:
The school practices a result dependent admission, since students are required to have an average of at least 4,0. This is due to the fact that IB students must continue with both language, mathematics and social studies. They should illustrate an interest to succeed in several fields.
Requirement 3:
- A level of English to take them through the programme.
- A level of mathematics necessary to start the mathematics courses in the programme.
Admission is open to students who demonstrate the ability to benefit from the challenging curriculum and programme of the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The IB requires motivation, effort, efficient time management and perseverance to complete with good results.
Students with an average of between 3,7- 4,0 can be considered a qualified applicant but this depends on:
- A recommendation from the form teacher from VG1
- An interview with the IB-coordinator.
Transfer students
If there are available places, transfer students will normally be offered a place if they have had subjects in year 1 that we offer at our school. They must also have met deadlines and handed in assignments required for internal and external assessment.
Preparation for the IB-programme
The school organises an IB introduction class (pre-DB) in order to get to know students and parents prior to choosing the IB programme, in order to advise and guide the students, when making this decision.
Requirements needed to be fulfilled in order to be considered for the 3IB class:
- The student must have less than 10% absence from subjects following the National rules.
- The student must have participated and handed in assignments performed during their 2IB year.
- If the grade during the second term of the first year following the IB-programme is either 1 or 2, then both coordinator, form teacher and subject teachers will discuss with the students whether the last year of the IB-programme is possible to complete.
The Core - kjernen i the Diploma Programme
Theory of knowledge (TOK)
Et filosofifag hvor dere skal utforske grensene for kunnskap – hva man kan vite noe om, og hvordan man kan skaffe seg viten.
Extended Essay (EE)
En særoppgave i selvvalgt emne på inntil 4 000 ord. Oppgaven gir en unik mulighet til dybdelæring innenfor et emne man interesserer seg for. Man får også god trening i akademisk skriving
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
Gjennom CAS-programmet skal elevene delta i ulike aktiviteter som skal bidra til å utvikle hele mennesket. Målet er at elevene skal bli samfunnsbevisste og forstå viktigheten av ansvaret vi alle har for å være positive bidragsytere i samfunnet, både lokalt og globalt
Mer informasjon om IB
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB). Brochure
Pre-Diploma Programme (Pre-DP). Brochure
Retningslinjer for IB-elever
Admissions policy and application procedure
University guidance and counselling policy
Facts about IB programmes and schools
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