
Project Kick-Off: Meeting Twice in December


Natasha Peevor-Johnson




29.01.2024 kl.10:38

In December 2020 the partners met twice to kick-off the project.

This was later than planned due to Covid-19 delays and sadly not in person. We are fortunate, though, as we have already met twice before when preparing the project application.

The advancements in technology have been a blessing during the pandemic but cannot entirely replace the benefits of meeting in person.

Sharing information

These two meetings were mainly meant for sharing information - about the partner organisations and about obligations and formalities relating to Erasmus+ projects. BUT this were also an opportunity to adjust the project timeline and activities.

In our original timeline we planned for our first transnational meeting in 2020 in Iceland. The second meeting was due to take place in North Macedonia in March/April 2021. For obvious reasons we have had to make changes to these plans.

While we are unable to travel the partners will meet at regular intervals to share information and discuss relevant topics, such as methods for developing the Best Practice Toolbox and the Communication and Dissemination Plan.

Meeting in October

The first physical meeting is currently scheduled for the beginning of October 2021 in North Macedonia, where we will be having a workshop to share and discuss methods of practice that improve the lasting impact of an art experience.

Here’s hoping, anyway!😊