
Culture Crew

The Culture Crew are students who can assist in the selection, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of art experiences. They can be a very valuable resource in making art experiences successful in their school. They are usually coordinated by the Culture Contact (a designated adult) in the school. You can find a more in-depth description of the role of Culture Crew below and here are some suggestions you can explore:

1.Why should your school have a Culture Crew?

The Culture Crew are an important asset to the school and can be used for many events that the school organizes. The role is suitable for all students that are motivated, not only academic achievers. In fact, many schools report that they see students they wouldn’t expect to, blossom in the role and improve their self-esteem. It is an opportunity for growth and learning, such as:

  • Organizing events
  • Working in a team and independently
  • Solving challenges
  • Getting a unique insight into the life of artists

2. Where to start?

Recruit students who want to work as a member of the Culture Crew
  • The number of crew can vary according to the size and type of school.
  • The length of service can also vary from using different students for every event to several years of service.
    By changing frequently, the benefit is increased ownership among more students. It can also be used actively as a tool to improve the class environment (social inclusion).
  • Focus on making the students a team.
  • Have a meeting with the Culture Crew before each event to plan and distribute tasks.
Make the Culture Crew visible
  • Give the students event vests or crew t-shirts. This confirms their role, gives them a sense of pride and togetherness and can boost their self-esteem.
Attend the Culture Crew course
  • If offered, participate in courses that are specially designed for them.
  • If there is no course, try holding one yourself. Read tips from Finland below.
  • Teach students new skills, such as how to use a microphone, write a blog, verbal expressions/presentation technique, etc. 
Acknowledge and reward the Culture Crew
  • Give a signed diploma to the students for their efforts. Ask the principal to sign it.
  • Praise and reward the students with something special, for example lunch.
  • Or invite the students to other cultural events. This builds the team, expands their knowledge, and encourages participation.


3. Practical tasks for the Culture Crew: Before, during and after a performance

Plan and evaluate with the Culture Contact
  • Attend a pre-meeting with the Culture Contact to plan and share tasks. 
  • Attend a post-meeting with the Culture Contact to evaluate their own efforts and look at the results from the evaluation of the performance. Discuss what went well and what we can improve?
 Inform students and teachers
  • Inform students about coming performances in a "classroom tour". Students often pay more attention to other students, so this can be a successful way of reaching out. This can also be the case for teachers.
Contact artists
  • The Culture Crew, if old enough, contacts the artist to check that everything is in order (by phone if possible). Check for example the agreed concert times, that the room conditions are as requested (blackout requirements, etc). Inform the Culture Contact if there are any deviations. 
Make posters
  • Make posters for the entire year's programme and/or individual performances. The Art Provider may have provided a template that they can use. See an example from Norway below.
Introduce performances
  • Introduce the artist before the performance but check with the artist first that they are ok with this. 
Establish a media team
  • Write articles, takes photos of the performances, interview the artists afterwards or interview other students about their experiences. Why not expand and ask students and teachers about their cultural activities inside and outside of school, as well?
Make sure that the Culture Crew are given sufficient tasks 
  • Make their job valuable and allow them to excel at what they do.

Published: 20.12.2023 Updated: 21.02.2024 kl.13:57

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